Birthday Invites - Messages

# Message


Balloons go up, candles blow out
Kids all around jump and shout
The date draws near and we want you here
To celebrate (Name)'s (Year)th year!. 




It is a great pleasure for us to declare that
 our little daughter is turning five. 
Please join us in celebrating her birthday 
on (date). 




Birthday are bright and funny with candy, 
sweets and birthday cakes that are yummy! 
You all are invited to (name)'s birthday party. 
Please come to shower your blessings upon him/her. . 




All the years are special, all the days are great
And on (date) you're invited to help us celebrate 
Do join us on (Name)'s special day! 




Raise your glass and lend a cheer,
My birthday is almost here.
To have a guest like you would be a wonderful delight 
so please join us on this magical night.




It's my birthday and the time to have tons of 
fun and delight! Do join in the festivities and enjoy
the happy times together!




Please be my guest at my birthday! 
We're having a party and hope you're coming! 




Cake and food so appetizing and sweet 
Oh, we're having a party 
so you're invited for a treat! 
Games, party hats, 
and balloons will make your day fun, 
so we want you here when the party's begun!




We'll paint the town red
With memories to shed 
Mark your calendar on that date 
It'll be my birthday 
you shouldn't dare forget!




It's a time to cheer 
When friends are near 
To lift up a toast for me
 Come and join me 
in my birthday party!